Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises

New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) has contracts with a wide range of vendors in varying industries.  These vendors are utilized to purchase goods/services in areas where there are existing needs.  Employing reliable and dependable vendors ensures that our diverse community and student body receives the high-quality education they deserve.  To that end, NYCPS’ Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) routinely and diligently searches for talented vendors and qualified suppliers within our communities.  The agency encourages Minority and Women Business Enterprises (MWBEs) participation in NYCPS contract opportunities.  We are committed to ensuring that MWBEs wholly contribute as we work to further diversify the procurement process. 

Important Notice to All Prospective Contractors – Please Review


New York City Public Schools Office of Supplier Diversity's mission is to foster meaningful participation of diverse suppliers by identifying and creating business opportunities for Minority-/Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs).  This will ensure that goods and services needed to provide a quality education, include a vendor pool that is representative of our diverse communities and student population.  

What is Supplier Diversity?

Supplier Diversity is a proactive business practice that encourages the use of historically underutilized business as suppliers (vendors). This often includes business enterprises that are owned, operated and controlled by women and/or members of designated minority groups including Black, Hispanic, Asian-Pacific, Asian-Indian and Native American (MWBE). 


Are you eligible for New York City Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise  (M/WBE) Certification?


M/WBE Eligibility Form


MWBE Certification

To determine your eligibility for New York City Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Certification, please quick checklist on the MWBE Eligibility Form (note: NYCPS is NOT a certifying agency. This form is intended only to help determine MWBE eligibility.  Completing this form does not result in MWBE certification). See additional details on the form for official MWBE certification requirements, also available in the link below. 

Interested in becoming a Certified MWBE Vendor? 

MWBEs can become certified by New York City Small Business Services (SBS) and/or New York State Empire State Development (ESD).  To learn more about the MWBE certification process, the benefits of being certified and to apply for certification, please visit the websites linked below. 

New York City MWBE Certification via NYC Small Business Services:   


New York State Certification via Empire State Development:   



Procurement Overview

New York City Public Schools  

The Division of Contracts and Purchasing (DCP) is the procurement arm for the NYCPS. This office establishes contracts for all goods and services. 

What does the DOE purchase? 

Many of the larger New York City Public Schools procurements are centered around educational supplies and programs for both students and teachers. As the largest school district in the country, we also have large contracts for the purchase of professional development services, office supplies, custodial supplies, health services, special education related services, as well as I.T. and facilities support. NYCPS projects typically include parts, labor, and maintenance. In addition, individual schools and program offices directly procure smaller needs, often on a non-contracted basis. 

To learn more about current procurement opportunities, please visit the NYCPS Open DOE Solicitations page.  Also, for illustrative purposes, consider reviewing our previously awarded solicitations

How do I join the NYCPS Bidder’s List? 

To join the NYCPS bidders list, vendors must register with the DOE Vendor Portal. The Vendor Portal allows vendors to view current DOE solicitations and automatically receive notification of new solicitations as they become available. From the Vendor Portal, vendors can also download solicitation documents and control which notifications are emailed based on specific product/service categories selected.  

Please note, DOE Vendor Portal is a different system from the City of New York's Payee Information portal (PIP) and PASSPort 


MWBE Procurement and Contract Method

How is NYCPS Creating Opportunities for MWBEs? 

NYCPS recognizes the importance of diversity in procurement. As a result, NYCPS engage in initiatives to enhance the abilities of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) to compete and meaningfully participate in the procurement process. Ways we are doing this is by utilizing the MWBE Innovative Procurement Method to solicit City-certified MWBE firms in discretionary solicitations not exceeding $1,500,000.   For more details, please email MWBE@schools.nyc.gov. 

Other Resources

What resources are available to help me review my submission to the DOE?

NYC SBS Solutions Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, America’s Small Business Development Centers, and the MWBE Leadership Association can provide a wide range of procurement contract assistance for free. These organizations can assist with MWBE certification, market analysis, securing financing, and completing a DOE bid/proposal before submission.

  • Attend one of our monthly “How to Do Business with the DOE" MWBE seminars.
  • Participate in one of our Learning Series, or MWBE  events.
  • View the Upcoming MWBE Vendor Training Schedule to register



Where can I learn more about general procurement (outside of the DOE)?

Information for Vendors

Find out if you are eligible for a New York City Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Certification by answering the eligibility questionnaire.

The full NYC certification details can be found on the M/WBE NYC program page.



  • Vendor Portal View current DOE solicitations and receive notification of new solicitations as they become available. You can also view solicitation requirements and download all necessary documents.
  • View quick overviews of current DOE Solicitations by the type of contract (i.e., RFB, RFP, MTAC).
  • DOE Vendor Hotline at (718) 935-2000 or via email at VendorHotline@schools.nyc.gov
  • Looking for additional resources? The Mayor's Office of MWBEs is the one-stop shop for information regarding MWBE Certification, City Contracts & RFPs, Citywide MWBE Events, training & resources, and financial assistance or mentorship opportunities.
  • We strongly encourage MWBEs to become city and state-certified. Specific opportunities are only available to city or state-certified MWBEs:
  • Key Definitions: Definitions for commonly used terms in the DOE procurement process.

Minority and Women-owned Enterprises (MWBE) In the News

  • New Articles to be shared soon
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