Office of Knowledge Management

The Office of Knowledge Management (OKM) works to spotlight and scale promising and effective practices across New York City Public Schools (NYCPS). The team identifies, captures, and shares educational approaches that deliver positive results to inform improvement efforts at school and district levels.  OKM also calls public attention to those success stories to change the prevailing narrative about NYC Public Schools. 

Programs and Platforms 

Innovation Spotlight

Innovation Spotlight identifies, captures, and shares effective school practices to inform improvement efforts at the school and district levels. We aim to inspire educators, inform the public, and foster a positive narrative about NYC Public Schools.

The Real-Time Scaling Lab for New York City Public Schools 

The Real-Time Scaling Lab (RTSL) supports districts and schools as they scale up educational practices that have proven to be effective elsewhere, while adapting those approaches to their own contexts and settings. The RTSL helps build capacity for educators to learn about proven approaches, tailor those practices to their environment, document the scaling journeys of those schools and districts, and publicly promote those successful innovations happening across the city.   


WeTeachNYC is a digital platform used to capture, communicate, and promote collaboration in all aspects of curricular and professional learning for NYC educators. There are two parts to the platform: a digital repository and “Communities,” which is a closed professional learning platform.  

The purpose of WeTeachNYC is to provide NYCPS educators (teachers, school leaders, district staff, central staff members and approved partners) with access to resources developed by NYCPS teams, as well as links to external resources vetted by NYCPS officials. It also facilitates collaboration by connecting colleagues through the Communities feature. NYCPS staff may create and launch Communities as facilitators with NYCPS and non-NYCPS partners to collaborate and share documents, audio files, videos, and links to external websites. View the WeTeachNYC page to search for course offerings. 

Parent University 

Parent University seeks to educate and empower families as partners, advocates, and lifelong educators in their student's education through free courses, resources, events, and activities. View the Parent University page to find additional information. 

Connect with Us! 

Are there great things happening in your school community? Let us know if you’d like to nominate a practice by completing the ​Innovation Spotlight Nomination Form or emailing external link)



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