Section 504 Accommodations

Introduction to Student Accommodation System (504)

The Student Accommodation System (SAS) is a digital platform where school 504 coordinators can initiate 504 requests, track processes and procedures, and draft and finalize plans. The system integrates with other DOE systems, provides a smoother user experience, and increases transparency for families.  

Additionally, SAS automatically scales its content and elements to match the screen size on which it is viewed, whether it’s on a desktop screen or a phone.  

SAS monitors and maintains key data and information for

School-based 504 Coordinators

School-based 504 coordinators enter 504 requests, generate draft plans (general and diabetes) for parents to review, upload documents, and maintain plan information.


SAS sends notifications to parents to keep them informed on the progress of their child’s 504 request. Parents do not currently access SAS directly but receive key information from the platform via email notifications.

Office of School Health

Health Directors and OSH Clinical Team can review a student’s uploaded 504 request documents and will be able to provide authorization from within the system during a future enhancement.

504 Program Office

SAS includes critical reporting features that record required data about each student’s Section 504 request, such as compliance dates, eligibility determination, and authorized accommodations.

Key Features of SAS

  • Single sign on with NYCPS credentials provides role-based access
  • Users will be able to initiate 504 requests, save the information, and return to enter data as it becomes available.
  • Some student, parent and school information will be auto populated based on integration with other DOE systems
  • 504 Coordinators can upload 504 request documents, and other supporting documents, into the system for retention and review by Office of School Health or 504 Program Office
  • Automatically send notifications to parents and NYCPS personnel about 504 plans.
  • 504 Coordinators can send 504 Meeting information through the system to Parents, including the meeting date and location, and 504 Team members.
  • 504 Plans will be generated in the system using the information entered by the 504 Coordinator.
  • 504 Plans can be updated and/or modified within the system as needed

Citywide SAS Training for 504 Coordinator

The DOE Section 504 Program Office will be hosting a Citywide SAS Training for all 504 Coordinators to attend on Thursday, June 6th (Professional Development Day). There will be 4 2-hour long sessions offered, each of which will cover how to initiate a 504 request, upload required documentation, and complete General and Diabetes 504 Plans in the new Student Accommodation System (SAS). There will also be a portion at the end of each session dedicated to Q&A.

In order to attend the trainings, you must register by clicking on the registration link below. You can register for all 4 sessions if you would like, but each one will cover the same content.

Group #1 (8am to 10am):

Group #2 (10am to 12pm):

Group #3 (12pm to 2pm):

Group #4 (2pm to 4pm):


How do I access SAS?

504 Coordinators, principals, and health directors should already have access to SAS. Authorized users (school principals, 504 coordinators, Health Directors and Office of School Health staff) can log in to the Student Accommodation System with their NYCPS credentials. If you are experiencing issues with accessing the system, send a request to Include your name, school DBN, school roll (e.g. 504 Coordinator, Principal), and DOE username (i.e.

Who can I contact for support?

For technical support, create a SupportHub ticket or call 718.935.5100.

For support accessing SAS, contact

For 504 process and procedural support or questions, contact

For general 504 policy questions, please contact your Health Director.

How do I share feedback on the SAS system?

Users can provide feedback through the Student Accommodation (SAS) Feedback Form.

How do I use SAS to document 504 Requests and create 504 Plans?

Please review the User Guide for General 504 Plan and Diabetes 504 Plan. Additional training materials, including short videos (~5-10 minutes) on SAS features and functions can be found on the SAS SharePoint Site.


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