

Afterschool programs offer increased learning opportunities for students and critical support for families. Across our schools, there are Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) funded programs, and individual programs run between schools and CBOs. DYCD has by far the most significant number of programs in our schools. 

The Office of Community Schools offers support to schools and afterschool program providers by acting as a liaison between the NYC PS and DYCD.

What We Do

NYC PS collaborates with Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and other government agencies to provide afterschool programs for NYC schools. Activities reflect a balanced schedule of academic support, including tutoring and homework help, social/emotional learning, physical activity/wellness, and prevention services.

How to Find a Free Afterschool Program

The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)-managed afterschool programs provide services in coordination with host schools and sites. You can review the list of free after school programs available throughout the city on Discover DYCD: You can filter your search by school name, grade level, and address and select a program to add to your student account list.

Information about Starting an Afterschool Program

Community Based Organization-led (CBO) afterschool services can be funded by a variety of city, state, federal, private, or foundation grants. In accordance with New York City Local Law 073, information on establishing afterschool programs can be found in this Guide to School and Community Based Organization K – 12 Afterschool Program Partnerships

A few examples of large-scale funding streams that provide CBO-led afterschool services in schools include:

  • Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)-funded COMPASS & BEACON afterschool programs.
  • State-funded Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention (ESD/SVP), Advantage Afterschool, & Empire State Afterschool programs. 
  • Federally-funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21CCLC).

If a school wishes to start an after school program that is not grant funded, the school will need to procure services using other measures such as:

  • Operating a fee based program in conjunction with a CBO
  • Operating a PTA program (either paid for by the PTA or fee-based)
  • Using funds from the school budget (ex: tutoring, test prep, enrichment, etc.)
  • CBO purchasing processes and guidelines are found in the Guide to School and Community Based Organization K – 12 Afterschool Program Partnerships.

Resources and tools


In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation C-105, vendor employees (i.e. CBO employees) must complete the security clearance process conducted by the New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) Office of Personnel Investigation (OPI) before they can work in any capacity (i.e. start any task that is part of the job) at a school or NYCPS worksite.

By New York State law, contract, and related Chancellor’s Regulations, the NYCPS is required to conduct fingerprint-supported background investigations on all NYC PS employees and vendor employees. The Personnel Eligibility Tracking System (PETS) is a web-based application that enables the NYC PS to electronically track and share basic information regarding the eligibility status of vendor employees who work under various combinations of vendors, contracts, programs, and work sites. 

All CBO employees who come in direct contact with students or have access to confidential student data must undergo a required NYC PS security clearance review. Schools are responsible for confirming that CBO employees working in the afterschool programs are Active and Eligible in PETS prior to working with NYCPS students. CBOs have an ongoing responsibility to ensure staff is Active and Eligible prior to working with students, update rosters when staff changes and remove staff when notified that an individual’s eligibility status has changed. 

To begin the security clearance process, the vendor/CBO must determine if the work in the school is centrally funded or non-centrally funded. For comprehensive details on the security clearance process, schools and CBOs can access guidance here. For more information, refer to the  PETS User Guide or visit the NYC PS Infohub.

Extended Use Permits for Afterschool

Chancellor’s Regulation D-180 on Extended Use of School Buildings sets forth procedures and policies for the use of DOE school buildings. 

Permit costs will be paid by the NYC PS DOE only for after school activities conducted on behalf of or in partnership with a school or NYC PS, including but not limited to: 

  • School-sponsored activities and events 
  • Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) activities until 9:00 p.m. 
  • DYCD-funded COMPASS and SONYC programs until 6:00 p.m., and Beacon programs until 10:00 p.m. 
  • NYC PS-funded programs supported by the Office of Community Schools 
  • Pre-approved administration of exams, including pre/post-test activities, auditions for admission purposes, and graduation requirement instructional activities. 

Extended Use of School Buildings

All afterschool programs operating or delivering services in a NYC public school building are required to submit an Extended Use Permit Application to use a school’s premises. The permit is required to be completed by each organization wishing to use the school building during extended use time regardless of whether or not the user is the agency designated to pay for space and/or security fees (if applicable).

  • On weekdays during the school year, between the end of the school day and 6:00 p.m., space use is free. NYC PS advocates the use of schools to build strong communities. While schools should be open and available to the greatest extent possible, every effort must be taken to keep operating costs down. Therefore, when feasible, we encourage organizations to use the same building on the same day to save opening costs.
  • The NYCPS incurs additional costs for maintenance services for usage of school space after 6:00 p.m. on days when school is in session, and anytime on days when schools would be otherwise closed. External organizations must pay a fee to offset a portion of these additional costs.
  • Except as otherwise provided, these fees must be paid by all NYC PS-sponsored CBOs utilizing space outside the hours of 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. on weekdays during the school year. The fee is applicable to schools managed by both custodial engineers and private contractors.

Afterschool Safety and Emergency Preparedness


When the school principal and/or head custodian submits the after school program’s Extended Use Permit Application, the permit application will generate a request with the NYPD School Safety Division for security coverage. This is usually generated at the rate of 1 agent per 1 hundred program attendees. If you have any questions about school security, you may contact your Borough Safety Director.


If an emergency occurs in a NYC PS school, after calling 911, contact the Emergency Information Center (EIC) to ensure that proper notifications are made. The EIC is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. at (718) 935-3210. For programs operating on Saturdays, a message should be left on the EIC voicemail and a return call will be made to the school on the following business day. 

To reach the NYPD/SSD for non-emergency issues, such as coverage after 4:00 p.m. and on weekends, call (718) 730-8696. For all emergencies, please make sure to also notify your SSA/Supervisor, Borough Safety Director and Superintendent. 


CBOs must report all criminal incidents which occur during the operation of their programs to the NYPD. CBOs must immediately notify the principal and School Safety Agent of all health, safety, and medical incidents, including criminal and non-criminal incidents, which occur during the operation of their programs. In addition, within 24 hours of the incident, the CBO must complete and submit the User Incident Reporting Form to the principal. CBOs are also required to submit an incident report to their funding agency and licensing agency. 

The principal must input the information about the incident into the NYC PS’ Online Occurrence Reporting System (OORS) and/or via Minor occurrences need not be reported: for example, incidents typical of childhood or otherwise minor (e.g., a scraped knee).

Providers must report any incident which potentially impacts the health, safety, or well-being of an individual, property, etc. Examples of incidents that must be reported include: 

  • Bodily injury (e.g., a broken ankle, torn ACL, or serious laceration), threats to an individual’s well-being, self-abusive behavior, property damage, shootings, and fires. 
  • All school day and ELT staff are mandated reporters: In cases of actual or suspected child abuse or maltreatment by a parent or person legally responsible for a child, including incidents that may be sexual in nature, and occurrences involving inappropriate personal boundaries, communications, touching, and photos; this must be reported as such incidents to the: New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (“SCR”). 
  • Incidents for which Emergency Medical Services or Police are called, and Incidents which may be of media interest. 
  • Lapses in the supervision of school-aged children. 

Records must be maintained of all Incident Reports and a record of actions taken to address Incidents. Such records are subject to review and audit. Records must be maintained for at least 7 years. 

Where an incident involves a NYC PS staff member and/or a student, the principal and the CBO must determine what follow up action is required. If the incident is a criminal incident involving a NYC PS staff member, the principal must notify the Office of the Special Commissioner of Investigation. The NYC PS and CBO should work together to ensure that the parent of any student involved in an incident is immediately notified. The NYC PS and CBO should work together to determine when parents of students in the program should be notified of incidents which occur during the operation of the CBOs program. Such notification must be effectuated in a manner that protects student confidentiality. 


The General Response Protocol (GRP) has been designed (in collaboration with the “i love U guys” Foundation) to provide all schools with the direction they will take when an emergency incident occurs. At its core is the use of common language to identify the initial measures all school communities will take until first responders arrive. In every incident, school administrators will need to assess the unique circumstances that will affect how the GRP is implemented. 

Each protocol has specific staff and student actions that are unique to each response. If a student or staff member identifies the initial threat, calling 911 and administration is required. If you have any questions about your after school program’s GRP please contact

School Age Child Care (SACC) Registration 

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) SACC Summary (Part 414) School-Age Child Care, Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) – SACC Regulations 

Contact: NYC Regional Office of Child Care Services (212) 383-1415 | - 4718 | - 1788 | - 1709 Please refer to the OCFS website for the most up to date regulations. 


The State regulations governing childcare centers require that all ELT programs serving children under the age of 13 obtain a School Age Child Care (SACC) license. Section 413.2 of the childcare regulations defines school age childcare program as a program or facility which is not a residence in which child day care is provided to an enrolled group of seven or more children under 13 years of age during the school year before and/or after the period such children are ordinarily in school. If a program provides services with mixed age groups including high school students but have 7 or more children 13 years or younger, they will need to also apply. 

Enrollment and program purposes are the two criteria that are the most common source of inquiry to OCFS. Further explanation of each is provided on the OCFS website

A valid registration must be obtained from OCFS prior to the operation of any SACC program. 

Brand new providers will need to complete an Online Orientation for SACC Programs on the OCFS website and request an application at the end of the training. The e-application will arrive via email within 24 hours of the request. Submit the completed application through Facility Application Management System (FAMS). All programs applying for a new registration must 

submit all required documents within 90 days after receipt of application, therefore it is encouraged to start the application process at least 3 months in advance of the start of the program. DOHMH will contact the applicant and/or provide updates on the application through the process. 

Existing providers must submit their SACC renewal application 60 days before it expires. OCFS sends renewal applications to the program and they must be submitted to DOH. Additionally, DOH must be notified when there is a change in director or program. For an increase in student capacity, please contact the appropriate NYCDOH borough office before your organization serves additional students. 

For more information, please see the OCFS website.

Afterschool Meals

The Office of School Food provides food service to afterschool and ELT programs when requested by a principal or CBO. Every child who participates in an ELT program is provided a snack or supper, upon request. Snack consists of two items, which includes fresh fruit or honey graham crackers and juice or milk. Supper consists of five items, including a protein, bread, fruit, vegetable, and milk. It is mandatory that students take all five food components for the supper program and two for the snack programs. There will be no substitutions made to the menus. To qualify for hot supper, your program must serve at least 75 students daily. Cold supper is prepared for programs serving between 50 and 75 students daily.

Contact Information

For more information, visit For questions, email

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