In this section of the InfoHub you'll find information to help you grow your teaching career. Use the menu below to find information about:
On the salary page you'll find information on salary steps, salary differentials and salary schedules. Salary increments for teachers and teacher-line staff in NYC public schools are governed by the DOE’s collective bargaining agreement with the United Federation of Teachers. Chancellor’s Regulations C-500 and C-545 outline the rules for salary credit.
On the certification page you'll find information on certification registration, maintenance, extensions, licenses and the new registration and Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) requirements.
Teacher Career Pathways
In the Teacher Career Pathways (TCP) section of the InfoHub you'll find a wealth of information on teacher leadership. Learn about the history and guiding beliefs - which are the foundation of teacher leadership - through infographics and FAQs. Read about the different teacher leadership roles and application and selection process.
The Big Apple Awards
The DOE recognizes the achievement and impact our teachers have in their classrooms and school communities through the annual Big Apple Awards. Learn how the awards work, read about this year's award recipients, and discover what the Big Apple Award Fellowship Year looks like in this section of the InfoHub.
Employee Incentives and Discounts
In Employee Incentives and Discounts you'll discover the wide variety of special discounts, incentives and offers for products and services.