Office of Community Supports and Wellness

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The Office of Community Supports and Wellness (OCSW) removes barriers, strategically allocates resources, improves coordination of instruction and services, and prioritizes engagement and wellness for all students and families, especially vulnerable populations. We engage with district leaders, school communities, community partners and families to implement a community school model, to empower STH staff and shelter sites and to lead a comprehensive wellness strategy. As a result, students will be physically and emotionally well-developed, attendance will be improved and students will experience post-graduate success.


The following teams work within OCSW in support of students, families and communities.  

Office of Attendance, Research and Innovation. The Attendance, Research, and Innovation (ARI) team supports all 45 districts and NYC public schools by setting attendance policy, providing professional learning, organizing attendance improvement resources, and sharing data tools to support continuous improvement. ARI coaches districts and schools in the Every Student Every Day strategy, transitioning from punitive, reactive policies to engaging and preventative policies and strategies to reduce chronic absenteeism and build trust with families and communities.

Office of Community Schools. The mission of the Office of Community Schools (OCS) is to create school and community-based organization (CBO) partnerships through intentional, collaborative leadership that empower students, families, and communities to thrive. NYC Community Schools is an equity strategy to organize resources and share leadership by partnering with 80 CBOs like Children’s Aid Society, Counseling in Schools, and Good Shepherd Services, and key city agencies like the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), to strengthen the whole child so that academics, health, youth development, and family engagement are integrated into the fabric of schools. We partner with Lead CBOs to implement the four core evidenced-based features of community schools: Expanded Learning Time; Robust Family and Community Engagement; Collaborative Leadership and Practice; Wellness and Integrated Student Supports. 

Office of School Wellness Programs. The Office of School Wellness Programs (OSWP) provides guidance and resources that improve coordinated instruction and prioritize student  wellness, including Health Education, Physical Education, and wellness policies and programs. OSWP accomplishes this work through partnerships with districts and school communities, as well as city agencies and community partners such as the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Mayor’s Office on Food Policy, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, and New York Road Runners. OSWP focuses on establishing equitable access to quality, state-mandated Health Education and Physical Education for NYC Public School (NYCPS) students of all abilities, including K–12 HIV/AIDS lessons and school-based access to condoms and health information for secondary students. OSWP provides hundreds of professional learning opportunities to educators annually, including two citywide conferences, so teachers are prepared to provide instruction in academic subjects that help students develop the knowledge and skills to take care of themselves and others.

Office of Students in Temporary Housing and Foster Care. The Students in Temporary Housing (STH) team supports students who are experiencing housing instability and currently lack permanent housing. Our core work ethic aligns closely with the mission of New York City Public Schools (NYCPS): “to ensure that each student graduates on a pathway to a rewarding career and long-term economic security, equipped to be a positive force for change.” STH provides a range of support, including advocacy, student empowerment, and staff capacity-building to help students affected by homelessness succeed despite being temporarily displaced. STH accomplishes this work by building strong partnerships across NYC to cultivate a community of care for students and families, and through dedicated staff, who are on the front lines supporting students in shelters and in schools.

The Foster Care team works to overcome the barriers faced by children in foster care and to support these youth in reaching their full potential. We collaborate with both internal (Office of Safety and Youth Development, Homeschool, Special Education, and Attendance) and external partners (Administration for Children’s Services, foster care agencies, Fair Futures, College Choice) to address the unique needs of these students, emphasizing the role of education as a great equalizer. Our mission is to empower students by identifying their specific challenges, and responding to them by providing a stable, nurturing environment that supports their academic and social development. Through a dedication to hope, love, and advocacy, we aim to transform challenges into opportunities for growth and success, ensuring that every student can thrive and achieve their best.


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