Performance Ratings EIS

EIS S/U Rating Options - Summer School Programs

The S/U Ratings for Summer School Programs will launch on August 2, 2024.

EIS Mainframe Rating options 7.2.10, 7.2.11, and 7.2.12 will be made available to school administrators to facilitate the entry and approval of S/U ratings for all EIS-rated pedagogical employees at their locations.

Please take note of the following screen options in EIS:

  • EIS Summer rating option 7.2.10 allows schools to post S or U ratings for summer school program employees
  • EIS Summer rating option 7.2.11 displays summer rating history by employee and rating years
  • EIS Summer rating option 7.2.12 contains an online report of school rating submissions

These options will be available to schools until August 30, 2024.  Afterward, HRDs can adjust entries on behalf of their schools through October.

Ratings for the summer school programs must be entered and approved in EIS by the following deadlines:

  • August 8, 2024: ASD Nest and Horizon Programs (Grades K-8)
  • August 8, 2024: Grades 6-8 Summer Rising
  • August 11, 2024: 12-month IEPs (Districts 1-32 Extended School Year)
  • August 13, 2024: 12-month IEPs (District 75)
  • August 16, 2024: Grades K-5 Summer Rising
  • August 16, 2024: High School Programs

Schools must also complete and issue a paper rating form, OP 150, and the Per Session Unused Sick Time Transfer Form DHR OP 1755 5191 to their employees prior to the last day of each program. These forms are available on the Field HRD Hub, the Performance Ratings site, and the Payroll Portal.  

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