Per Session Information for Schools and Central Offices

Throughout the school year, employees may apply for per session activities that are done either before school, after school, on the weekend or holidays (based on approval), or during the summer. The selection for most per session activities is based upon the individual criteria established in each posting.  Per session consists of any activity in which pedagogical, pupil personnel service providers and supervisory employees are paid at an hourly rate depending on their particular title.

Per session work must not interfere with or be an extension of the employee’s primary job, responsibilities or be used as a means of providing additional compensation for work in an individual’s primary assignment.

No per session compensation may be paid for work performed at home.  In addition, no individual is authorized to work in a per session activity during his/her normal working hours on a regular school day, or during the daily lunch hour.  Employees who are absent due to illness cannot be paid for hours worked in a per session activity outside their regular work hours. Employees absent due to jury duty or official business are permitted to work in a per session activity outside their regular work hours.

The per session year commences on July 1 of a calendar year and ends on June 30 of the following calendar year. For further information, see Chancellor's Regulation C-175.

The manual below serves as a guideline for school-based Per Session employment. Please review this document and ensure you are in compliance:

Useful Forms and Documents

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