Custodial Circulars

This page was last updated on February 28 , 2025 at 8:00 AM.

This page holds the most recently published Custodial Circular.

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25.007 - FY25 Vacancies

Published February 28, 2025 


NOTE: All Circulars are to be kept in a permanent file.



The Department of Education's Division of School Facilities declares the following assignments vacant and will now accept application for voluntary transfer for the positions of Custodian Engineer level I and Custodian Engineer level II. The assignments listed are offered at this time to Custodian Engineers who meet the following requirement:


  • In the first assignment from a civil service list with a minimum of one (1) year of service, or must have two (2) years of service in the present assignment as of January 01, 2025.

   All applications must be submitted via the Custodian Engineer Vacancy Application by midnight March 14, 2025. Mailed or hand-delivered applications will not be accepted. Under no circumstances will withdrawals be considered after the deadline.

Note: The Division of School Facilities reserves the right to modify or revise the vacancy list prior to officially assigning custodian engineers.



  1. After navigating to the Custodian Engineer Vacancy Application, log in using your DOE email and credentials, e.g.,, and select the Custodian Engineer Vacancy Transfer Application icon to begin.

  2. At the Vacancy List Application for Transfer page, if applicable, enter your Refrigeration License number and expiration date, Stationary Engineer License number and expiration date.

  3. Select assignments in the Building Choice column.

  4. Upload License Documents: Custodian Engineers must provide a current valid copy of the applicable license required for the assignment they are applying for, i.e., stationary engineer and/or refrigeration. All level II assignments require a current valid copy of your stationary engineer or refrigeration license if level 1R is applying.

    Failure to upload the required licenses will preclude the applicant from consideration for the assignment.

  5. Save, review, acknowledge, and print a copy of the application before submitting it.

  6. Submit your electronic application.

    Additionally, all building-specific certifications must be attained as soon as practical. Examples include but are not limited to applicable FDNY Certificates of Fitness such as Fire and Life Safety Director, etc., and/or a swimming pool certification.

    Custodian Engineers will be eligible for advancement based on minimum years of experience. Each year of employment in the title will be considered toward the experience requirements, except for years when a Custodian Engineer receives a less than satisfactory rating.

    Experience requirements are as follows:

  • When an assignment within a given seniority bracket is not awarded to an applicant with the required years of seniority, the assignment will be awarded to the applicant with the most years of seniority in the next lower seniority bracket who applied for it. Provided the applicant meets all of the qualifications for that assignment.

The Division of School Facilities creates annual building allocations. A detailed breakdown of a building’s allocation is available upon request. Qualified applicants are to contact their Deputy Director of Facilities regarding building allocations. All allocations are subject to change for good and sufficient reasons, such as physical change, unused space, or to correct any errors.

Transportation claims resulting from vacancy lists is not an allowable expense.




    Building IDMerged Bldg IDBuilding NameFloor Area M Sq. Ft.QualificationsFY 2025 - Building AllocationPension Salary
    K016 K148 P.S. 16 - BROOKLYN 101/87  $492,337.10 $169,170.60
    K035  I.S. 35 - BROOKLYN 113  $314,891.97 $138,556.84
    K043 K100 I.S. 98 - BROOKLYN 142/78  $590,410.71 $169,852.07
    K059  P.S. 59 - BROOKLYN 96  $281,738.37 $133,324.34
    K067** K902 P.S. 67 - BROOKLYN 115/71 Refrigeration License (Child Building) $591,510.07 $167,109.99
    K111 K677 I.S. 111 - BROOKLYN 161/27  $502,220.23 $160,670.74
    K120 K250 P.S. 120 - BROOKLYN 97/85  $526,844.47 $168,519.18
    K132*  P.S. 132 - BROOKLYN 76  $237,540.63 $128,306.77
    K139*  P.S. 139 - BROOKLYN 90  $326,598.76 $131,566.37
    K145  P.S. 145 - BROOKLYN 112  $319,474.81 $138,556.84
    K149 K932 P.S. 149 - BROOKLYN 93/20  $386,610.99 $144,421.31
    K176*  P.S. 176 - BROOKLYN 92  $326,701.87 $132,441.88
    K197  P.S. 197 - BROOKLYN 107  $367,865.07 $137,672.02
    K200 K464 P.S. 200 - BROOKLYN 102/34  $391,077.88 $150,068.12
    K203 K995 P.S. 203 - BROOKLYN 93/24  $467,818.61 $144,421.31
    K206  P.S. 206 - BROOKLYN 109  $311,529.02 $137,672.02
    K214*  P.S. 214 - BROOKLYN 87  $254,236.36 $131,566.37
    K219*  P.S. 219 - BROOKLYN 94  $264,891.40 $132,441.88
    K236*  P.S. 236 - BROOKLYN 82  $309,603.07 $129,508.04
    K256 K994 P.S. 256 - BROOKLYN 89/22  $347,853.57 $143,545.80
    K259 K780 J.H.S. 259 William McKinley 140/29  $458,150.97 $156,097.55
    K261 K124 P.S. 261 - BROOKLYN 91/33  $431,213.69 $148,005.26
    K265  I.S. 265 - BROOKLYN 139  $334,438.30 $144,041.06
    K317 K369 P.S. 133 WILLIAM A. BUTLER - BROOKLYN 115/33  $453,494.64 $153,346.26
    K318  I.S. 318 - BROOKLYN 151  $350,175.31 $146,110.92
    K327** K763 P.S. 327 (TANDEM K396-D75)- K 143/43 Refrigeration License $723,202.04 $158,505.97
    K329** K728 P.S. 329 - BROOKLYN 114/23 Refrigeration License $571,886.38 $150,536.27
    K332 K137 P.S. 332 - BROOKLYN 95/46  $461,365.04 $154,725.38
    K380**  P.S. 380 - BROOKLYN 118 Refrigeration License $297,549.07 $139,432.33
    K398**  P.S. 398 (UDC) - BROOKLYN 118 Refrigeration License $398,642.86 $139,432.33
    K405 K849 MIDWOOD HS - K 260/45  $933,986.02 $179,089.42
    K458  BOYS HS (OLD) - K 178  $485,155.03 $151,451.89
    K590**  MIDDLE COLLEGE HS - BROOKLYN 112 Refrigeration License $333,343.52 $138,556.84
    K600  CLARA BARTON HS - K 200  $563,930.78 $156,097.55


    Building IDMerged Bldg IDBuilding NameFloor Area M Sq. FtQualificationsFY 2025 - Building AllocationPension Salary
    K722**  P.S. 721 OTC - BROOKLYN 102 Refrigeration License $333,369.77 $135,918.65
    K804 K520 COBBLE HILL SCL OF AMR STD (OL6)-K 96/23  $496,060.50 $145,303.77
    M005*/**  P.S. 5 - MANHATTAN 93 Refrigeration License $311,450.00 $132,441.88
    M017 M896 I.S. 17 - MANHATTAN 104/21  $363,579.74 $148,778.19
    M044  I.S. 44 - MANHATTAN 143  $354,558.27 $144,729.51
    M047**  J.H.S. 47 (SCH FOR THE DEAF) - M 118 Refrigeration License $284,116.27 $139,432.33
    M054  I.S. 54 - MANHATTAN 114  $300,747.80 $138,556.84
    M057 M107 P.S. 57 - MANHATTAN 91/15  $340,613.06 $144,421.31
    M089** M453 P.S./I.S. 89 - MANHATTAN 95/4 Refrigeration License $445,956.18 $145,303.77
    M099 M114 I.S. 99 - MANHATTAN 115/48  $568,744.66 $158,505.97
    M111 M342 P.S. 111 - MANHATTAN 90/87  $540,474.06 $167,798.44
    M142*/**  P.S. 142 - MANHATTAN 87 Refrigeration License $276,222.02 $131,566.37
    M149  P.S. 149 (TANDEM M207) - MANHATTAN 126  $328,136.79 $141,185.77
    M153**  P.S. 153 - MANHATTAN 135 Refrigeration License $313,762.53 $143,354.92
    M154 M853 P.S. 154 - MANHATTAN 90/12  $387,693.40 $143,545.80
    M158 M190 P.S. 158 - MANHATTAN 106/44  $429,166.49 $155,411.46
    M161  P.S. 161 - MANHATTAN 95  $268,735.76 $133,324.34
    M164  I.S. 164 - MANHATTAN 96  $289,660.06 $133,324.34
    M173  P.S. 173 - MANHATTAN 114  $374,190.27 $138,556.84
    M185  P.S. 185 (TANDEM M208) - MANHATTAN 135  $364,067.62 $143,354.92
    M199*  P.S. 199 - MANHATTAN 88  $227,041.79 $131,566.37
    M234**  P.S. 234 - MANHATTAN 101 Refrigeration License $293,908.70 $135,918.65
    M475 M661 HEALTH PROFESSIONS HS (OL STY) - M 201/42  $704,996.84 $169,852.07
    M502  P.S./I.S. @ 308 DYCKMAN STREET - MANHATTAN 104  $269,191.26 $136,798.76
    M641  CITY-AS-SCHOOL (OLD 95) - M 109  $378,749.18 $137,672.02
    M855*/** M523 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HS - MANHATTAN 66/26 Refrigeration License $334,656.30 $139,432.33
    M868  THE CLINTON SCHOOL - MANHATTAN 112 Fire Safety Director $283,293.03 $138,556.84
    Q010 Q345 I.S. 10 - QUEENS 93/18  $375,070.20 $144,421.31
    Q024  P.S. 24 - QUEENS 150  $366,669.14 $145,420.19
    Q046  P.S. 46 - QUEENS 113  $268,544.15 $138,556.84
    Q053  I.S. 53 - QUEENS 164  $434,075.20 $149,382.06
    Q072  J.H.S. 72 - QUEENS 147  $395,853.29 $145,420.19
    Q076 Q346 P.S. 76 - QUEENS 95/15  $377,521.02 $145,303.77
    Q089** Q373 P.S. 89 - QUEENS 133/5 Refrigeration License $495,909.55 $154,643.61
    Q090*  P.S. 90 - QUEENS 80  $278,826.02 $129,508.04
    Q102  P.S./I.S. 102 - QUEENS 123  $289,519.79 $141,185.77
    Q124** Q750 P.S. 124 - QUEENS 89/21 Refrigeration License $434,107.88 $143,545.80
    Q126 Q312 I.S. 126 - QUEENS 116/74  $539,929.69 $167,798.44
    Building IDMerged Bldg IDBuilding NameFloor Area M Sq. Ft.QualificationsFY 2025 - Building AllocationPension Salary
    Q131  P.S. 131 - QUEENS 101  $342,777.97 $135,918.65
    Q158 Q361 J.H.S. 158 - QUEENS 137/50  $508,599.25 $158,505.97
    Q177*/**  P.S. 177 - QUEENS 81 Refrigeration License $301,914.36 $129,508.04
    Q207* Q486 P.S. 207 - QUEENS 78/8  $326,991.50 $140,286.20
    Q230** Q297 I.S. 230 - QUEENS 84/26 Refrigeration License $446,063.71 $143,354.92
    Q475 Q636 RICHMOND HILL HS - Q 202/32  $779,940.90 $170,485.40
    R003*  P.S. 3 - STATEN ISLAND 80  $289,851.13 $129,508.04
    R032*  P.S. 32 - STATEN ISLAND 92  $335,874.42 $132,441.88
    R042*  P.S. 42 - STATEN ISLAND 86  $347,449.60 $130,693.16
    R051 R066 I.S. 51 - STATEN ISLAND 124/42  $447,048.30 $158,505.97
    R069**  P.S. 69 - STATEN ISLAND 104 Refrigeration License $346,811.28 $136,798.76
    X015** X781 P.S. 15 - BRONX 126/32 Refrigeration License $523,971.03 $154,725.38
    X034** X826 P.S. 34 - BRONX 102/75 Refrigeration License (Both Buildings) $695,968.71 $166,421.57
    X049 X027 P.S. 49 - BRONX 114/72  $485,064.54 $167,109.99
    X052  I.S. 302 - BRONX 137  $371,827.71 $143,354.92
    X075 X815 P.S. 75 - BRONX 109/48  $522,119.09 $158,505.97
    X080** X843 I.S. 80/P.S. 280 - BRONX 175/67 Refrigeration License $721,362.46 $169,852.07
    X090 X042 P.S. 90 - BRONX 104/65  $553,252.94 $158,505.97
    X118 X853 I.S. 118 - BRONX 105/17  $393,993.60 $148,778.19
    X120  I.S. 301 - BRONX 115  $333,282.67 $139,432.33
    X146*/**  P.S. 146 - BRONX 82 Refrigeration License $330,617.54 $129,508.04
    X148 X582 I.S. 219 (OLD 148) - BRONX 157/10  $507,425.52 $159,984.69
    X156  P.S. 156 - BRONX 95  $266,200.88 $133,324.34
    X166 X909 I.S. 166 - BRONX 157/21  $464,951.71 $159,984.69
    X182*/**  P.S. 182 - BRONX 85 Refrigeration License $285,796.98 $130,693.16
    X189  P.S./I.S. 189 (@STEENWICK AVE)-X 108  $266,919.15 $137,672.02
    X198** X320 P.S. 198 - BRONX 102/55 Refrigeration License (Both Buildings) $521,195.60 $158,505.97
    X229** X824 P.S. 230/I.S. 229 (UDC) - BRONX 155/25 Refrigeration License $565,247.43 $159,984.69
    X405  HERBERT H. LEHMAN HS - X 379  $978,007.37 $169,852.07
    X884**  HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES HS - X 110 Refrigeration License $323,135.37 $137,672.02
    X970**  BATHGATE HS - BRONX 135 Refrigeration License $339,126.46 $143,354.92


    Building IDMerged Bldg ID Building Name Floor Area M Sq. Ft. QualificationsFY 2025 - Building Allocation Pension Salary
    K132*  P.S. 132 - BROOKLYN 76  $237,540.63 $128,306.77
    K139*  P.S. 139 - BROOKLYN 90  $326,598.76 $131,566.37
    K176*  P.S. 176 - BROOKLYN 92  $326,701.87 $132,441.88
    K214*  P.S. 214 - BROOKLYN 87  $254,236.36 $131,566.37
    K219*  P.S. 219 - BROOKLYN 94  $264,891.40 $132,441.88
    K236*  P.S. 236 - BROOKLYN 82  $309,603.07 $129,508.04
    M005*/**  P.S. 5 - MANHATTAN 93 Refrigeration License $311,450.00 $132,441.88
    M066**  RICHARD R GREEN HS OF TEACHING - M 58 Refrigeration License $220,002.31 $123,986.80
    M142*/**  P.S. 142 - MANHATTAN 87 Refrigeration License $276,222.02 $131,566.37
    M199*  P.S. 199 - MANHATTAN 88  $227,041.79 $131,566.37
    M841**  P.S. 811 (OLD P148/LIVINGS HS) - M 65 Refrigeration License $220,520.57 $125,830.28
    M855*/** M523 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT HS - MANHATTAN 66/26 Refrigeration License $334,656.30 $139,432.33
    52/9 Refrigeration License $314,208.38 $135,222.40
    Q034  P.S. 34 - QUEENS 61  $227,467.51 $124,730.69
    Q090*  P.S. 90 - QUEENS 80  $278,826.02 $129,508.04
    Q104  P.S. 104 - QUEENS 69  $235,059.35 $126,571.85
    Q177*/**  P.S. 177 - QUEENS 81 Refrigeration License $301,914.36 $129,508.04
    Q207* Q486 P.S. 207 - QUEENS 78/8  $326,991.50 $140,286.20
    R003*  P.S. 3 - STATEN ISLAND 80  $289,851.13 $129,508.04
    R032*  P.S. 32 - STATEN ISLAND 92  $335,874.42 $132,441.88
    R042*  P.S. 42 - STATEN ISLAND 86  $347,449.60 $130,693.16
    X012  P.S. 12 - BRONX 70  $284,514.81 $126,571.85
    X146*/**  P.S. 146 - BRONX 82 Refrigeration License $330,617.54 $129,508.04
    X182*/**  P.S. 182 - BRONX 85 Refrigeration License $285,796.98 $130,693.16
    X876**  BRONX LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - X 48 Refrigeration License $169,160.52 $122,501.42










    PDF Copy: CC No. 25.007: Vacancies

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