New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is committed to working with schools, families, and the community to ensure that all students graduate knowing how to take care of their minds, their bodies, and their relationships with others. For students to have the opportunity to achieve personal, academic, developmental, and social success, they need positive, supportive, and health-promoting learning environments at every level, in every setting, throughout the school year. Especially in areas related to wellness, we believe all students benefit from diverse and inclusive schools and classrooms, and we strive to welcome and support all students, families, and school staff. (Check out Diversity in Our Schools for more information.)
Research shows that two components, good nutrition, and physical activity before, during, and after the school day, are strongly correlated with positive student outcomes. For example, student participation in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) School Breakfast Program is associated with higher grades and standardized test scores, lower rates of absenteeism, and better performance on cognitive tasks. Conversely, less-than-adequate consumption of specific foods, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, is associated with lower grades among students. In addition, students who are physically active—through active transportation (e.g., walking and biking) to and from school, recess, physical activity breaks, high-quality physical education, and extracurricular activities—do better academically.
As a school system that participates in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, NYCPS is required to have a written local school wellness policy that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn.
Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy--our revised wellness policy developed with and for students, families, and school communities, along with this accompanying School Guide, outline our overall approach, and acknowledge the interconnectedness of health and wellness, food, and sustainability. This guide provides information to ensure schools can provide students with physical and health education instruction, nutritious food, and environments, services, and opportunities that allow all students to practice healthy, sustainable behaviors throughout the school day with minimal commercial distractions.
Specifically, Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy and this accompanying school guide establish goals and procedures to ensure that:
- Students receive physical education that meets State requirements, and opportunities to be physically active before, during, and/or after school;
- Students receive comprehensive health, mental health, and nutrition education that helps them develop the knowledge and skills to practice lifelong healthy behaviors;
- Students learn how to access the health information and services available to them in and outside of school settings;
- Students have access to healthy foods during the school day—through both reimbursable school meals and other foods available throughout the school campus—in accordance with federal and New York State nutrition standards;
- Food and beverages sold or served at school meet strict nutrition and marketing standards;
- School meals provide students with access to free, nutritious and appealing foods that meet their health and nutritional needs;
- NYCPS participates in available federal school meal programs (including the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program [including after-school snacks], Summer Food Service Program, Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program [including suppers]);
- Schools engage in food, nutrition, food education, and physical activity promotion, as well as other activities that promote student wellness and sustainability;
- The community is engaged in supporting the work of NYCPS in creating continuity between school and other settings for students and staff to practice lifelong healthy habits; and,
- Central offices coordinate management, oversight, implementation, communication about, and monitoring of the policy and its established goals and objectives.
About Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy
Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy applies to all students and staff in New York City public schools. This policy highlights the collaboration and coordination envisioned for components of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, and ASCD’s Whole Child approach to education, to serve student health and wellness. Central staff across divisions (see Table 1) collaborate on drafting and updating the policy periodically with the goal of ensuring that families, schools, and the community have a more cohesive, accessible policy. The policy and accompanying school guide have been updated using a nationally recognized assessment tool (WellSAT 3.0), and informed by feedback collected from students, parents, families and school and Central staff. The policy clearly defines federal, State, and local mandates and expectations associated with these areas:
- Physical Education and Physical Activity
- Comprehensive Health Education, including Nutrition Education
- Health Services
- School Food Nutrition Services, Promotion, and Education
- Other Activities that Promote Wellness, including priorities related to Climate Action and Sustainability
The policy also seeks to advance our strategic aims to:
- Establish physical and health education as required, core academic subjects essential to student achievement, with opportunities for food education across all subjects;
- Improve coordination and build understanding across offices, departments, agencies and schools about effective wellness strategies;
- Highlight public, school-level reporting data that establishes levels of compliance with various provisions; and
- Build mutually beneficial connections among food, wellness, and sustainability in schools.
Citywide Wellness Advisory Council: Roles and Membership
NYCPS convenes a Citywide Wellness Advisory Council (“Advisory Council”) periodically to advise on and advocate for building public support for Physical Education, Health Education and other inter-related wellness, food and sustainability policies, programs, and practices. The Advisory Council focuses on promotion, implementation, and review of Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy.
Advisory Council membership is intended to represent all school levels (elementary and secondary schools) and primarily includes parents and caregivers as well as students who are representative and inclusive of the New York City school community. Physical education teachers, health education teachers, School Wellness Council champions, sustainability coordinators, and other health, mental health, social services, and food services staff, along with representatives from NYCPS offices of School Wellness Programs, Food and Nutrition Services (e.g., nutrition director), Energy and Sustainability, colleagues at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Superintendents, principals, and other community partners and stakeholders are invited to participate in council activities.
School Wellness Councils
To ensure adherence to Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy, all New York City public schools should establish and/or sustain a School Wellness Council. A School Wellness Council (or similar group, council or team) advises the School Leadership Team and the principal in order to: review and support implementation of Citywide and local school-level wellness policies; assess the wellness of the school environment using the School Wellness Scorecard in the Wellness Council Manager (requires NYCPS login) on the Wellness Hub (requires NYCPS login); and create and implement action plans as part of school-wide wellness initiatives (e.g., physical activity programs, food education experiences, food environment improvements, sustainability initiatives, community wellness engagement activities); and/or, to support instructional goals in Comprehensive Education Plans. School Wellness Councils should communicate wellness-related policies annually so that all staff, parents, and students are aware of and follow policy guidelines. Final responsibility for School Wellness Council governance and policy implementation rests with the principal.
NYCPS Leadership
The Office of School Wellness Programs within the Office of Community Supports and Wellness unit convenes the Advisory Council and facilitates the development of and updates to Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy, mainly related to physical and health education, and other wellness-related programming. They coordinate with leadership in the Office of Food and Nutrition Services, the Office of School Health, the Office of Energy and Sustainability, and other offices on updating service-related portions of the policy, with leadership of those respective offices responsible for accountability requirements of their areas. The Office of Academic Policy and Systems oversees collecting and reporting academic data pertaining to physical and health education, and communicating associated academic policies. They share appropriate reports with schools, Superintendents, and citywide Central offices. NYCPS provides public data on physical and health education provision.
Table 1. Name(s), title(s), and contact information of Central staff providing Citywide Wellness Policy oversight
Offices of | Name | Title | Email Address |
Academic Policy and Systems | Katie Hansen | Executive Director | |
Energy and Sustainability | Meredith McDermott | Chief Sustainability and Decarbonization Officer | |
Food and Nutrition Services | Christopher Tricarico | Senior Executive Director | |
School Health | Gail Adman | Assistant Commissioner | |
School Wellness Programs | Despina Zaharakis | Senior Executive Director | |
School Wellness Programs | Alice Goodman | Senior Director of Policy & Partnerships | |
Operationalizing Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy
In each school, the principal or designee ensures dissemination of Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy to families as well as compliance with instructional components of the policy. They also ensure that Office of Food and Nutrition Services requirements (e.g., Chancellor’s Regulation A-812) and health service requirements are met. Each school reports operational compliance to the appropriate NYCPS manager. In general, superintendents ensure that principals are in compliance with citywide policies and requirements. District-level and central staff provide schools with resources for understanding and applying instructional requirements outlined in grade-specific academic policy guides. In addition, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services provides the following services:
- Works with the local health department, community advocacy organizations, and the educational community to assess and promote student acceptance of the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program offerings.
- Continues to use USDA-approved software to monitor compliance of cycle menus and snack programs with federal, State, and local nutritional policies and standards.
- Randomly collects, analyzes, and evaluates menu items for compliance with Office of Food and Nutrition Services specifications.
- Continues to participate in audits and reviews by local, State and federal agencies.
The Office of School Wellness Programs provides schools with guidance, resources, and programs to support physical and health education, physical activity, and overall school wellness initiatives, including the development of School Wellness Councils. NYCPS recommends that schools use the Wellness Council Manager (requires NYCPS login) on the Wellness Hub (requires NYCPS login); to register their School Wellness Council, complete the School Wellness Scorecard, and develop goals and, if applicable, spending proposal(s) to create an action plan that fosters implementation and connects schools to resources and information.
Central NYCPS offices (e.g., Academic Policy, Food and Nutrition Services, School Wellness Programs) retain records to document compliance with the requirements of Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy on the NYCPS’ InfoHub or digital storage network as appropriate. Documentation includes but is not limited to:
- The written wellness policy;
- Documentation demonstrating compliance with community involvement requirements, including (1) efforts to actively solicit Advisory Council membership from the required stakeholder groups; and (2) these groups’ participation in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the wellness policy;
- Annual, school-level physical education and health education progress reports (pursuant to federal rules and using reports required by local law)
- Documentation of the triennial progress assessment (see below) of the policy for each school under its jurisdiction;
- Documentation demonstrating compliance with public notification requirements, including: (1) methods by which the wellness policy, annual progress reports, and triennial assessments are made available to the public; and (2) efforts to notify families about the availability of the wellness policy.
In addition, students’ academic programs and outcomes are captured in the NYCPS’ official data systems of records, such as the Student Transcript and Academic Reporting System (STARS). Data in these systems also reflect schools’ alignment to the New York State and New York City academic policies pertaining to physical education and health. STARS is managed by the NYCPS' Office of Academic Policy and Systems.
Annual Progress Reports
In consultation with the Advisory Council, NYCPS compiles, reviews, and publishes an annual report to share basic information about overall progress with implementing wellness goals and expectations shared in Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy. This annual report is published around the same time each year in the Spring and aggregates available Citywide school-level data for the prior school year. This report includes but is not limited to:
- The website address for the wellness policy and/or how the public can receive/access a copy of the wellness policy;
- A narrative about the City’s progress in meeting the wellness policy goals;
- Highlights of school and/or City events or activities related to wellness policy implementation, if possible;
- The name and position title of the designated NYCPS policy leader(s) identified in Section I; and
- Information on how individuals and the public can get involved with a school's wellness efforts
The annual report will be available in ten languages on the NYCPS website.
Triennial Progress Assessments
At least once every three years, coordinating Central-level offices evaluate Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy to assess Citywide implementation, including the extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of NYCPS are in compliance with the wellness policy. NYCPS reports out a description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the policy. The person responsible for managing the triennial assessment is Despina Zaharakis, Office of School Wellness Programs Senior Executive Director, The triennial progress report, as part of an annual report, is made available to the public on the NYCPS website.
Revisions and Updating the Policy
NYCPS updates or modifies Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy based on a review of the annual reports and triennial assessments with recommendations from the Advisory Council, and/or as NYCPS priorities shift, community needs change, wellness goals are met, new health science, information, and technology emerge, and new federal or State guidance or standards are issued. The wellness policy is assessed and updated, as indicated, at least every three years.
Community Involvement, Outreach, and Communications
NYCPS is committed to being responsive to community input, which begins with awareness of Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy. NYCPS actively communicates ways in which representatives of the Citywide Wellness Advisory Council (including a Student Wellness Advocates subcommittee) and others can participate in the periodic review and recommendation process for the wellness policy. NYCPS uses electronic mechanisms, such as email or notices displayed on the NYCPS website, to ensure that all families are actively notified of the content of, implementation of, and updates to the wellness policy, as well as how to get involved and support the policy. NYCPS also uses these mechanisms to inform the community about the availability of the annual report including the triennial report. NYCPS ensures that communications are accessible to the community and accomplished through means similar to other ways that the district and individual schools communicate other important school information to parents and caregivers.
NYCPS actively notifies the public about the content of or any updates to the wellness policy annually, at a minimum. Subscribe to the School Wellness Weekly digital newsletter, visit our Connect With School Wellness Programs webpage, and follow @nycpswellness on Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter) to stay up to date on school health and wellness policy related opportunities, grants, resources, and news.
Physical Education and Physical Activity
Physical Education
Physical education (PE) class is an essential component of educating the whole child and promotes a physically active lifestyle. In PE, students learn about their bodies, how to take care of them, and how to move, as well as the skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits. PE also helps students maintain focus in school and develop healthy habits for a lifetime. NYCPS must provide students with physical education in accordance with New York State Education Law Section 803, and New York State Education Commissioner’s Regulations, Part 135.4. The NYCPS Academic Policy Guides provide an overview of these requirements and NYCPS recommendations.
All NYCPS schools must provide students in grades K–12 with an instructional physical education program aligned to academic learning standards, in every grade, and PE programs should meet or exceed the specified instructional time and frequency requirements. NYCPS provides a K-12 Physical Education Scope and Sequence aligned to State and national standards to guide schools in providing a developmentally appropriate, sequential PE curriculum for all students K-12. PE Scope and Sequence documents are available on WeTeachNYC for Grades K-5 and Grades 6-12.
Staffing: NYCPS recommends that all elementary PE be taught by a certified PE teacher; however, per Part 135.4, a NYCPS classroom teacher may provide instruction under the guidance of a certified PE teacher assigned to a school. Each school serving elementary grades must have at least one New York State Education Department (NYSED) certified Physical Education teacher providing instruction to students, and guidance with content and pedagogy for any classroom teachers assigned to teach PE. In middle and high schools, PE must be provided by a NYSED certified PE teacher. The Office of School Wellness Programs provides free physical education professional learning for teachers throughout the school year.
Also, in accordance with the New York State Concussion Management and Awareness Act, all PE teachers and coaches must complete concussion training every two years. For details and instructions, see the Concussion Training and Verification Information page (requires NYCPS login).
Student Participation: All students, including students with disabilities, must be provided with instruction in required physical education classes. Schools will make appropriate accommodations to allow for equitable participation for all students and will adapt physical education tasks, curricula, and equipment as necessary. Schools must follow the Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students when programming students for physical education and provide access to facilities such as locker rooms and restrooms consistent with the student’s gender identity asserted at the school. Schools also may not separate students by gender for physical education classes or activities except for contact sports as outlined in the Guidelines on Gender Inclusion. Waivers or exemptions for required physical education classes are generally not permissible.
In 3-K and pre-K programs
- Students should have opportunities for appropriate movement, and health and physical development opportunities, although PE is not required for these programs according to The New York State Prekindergarten Learning Standards.
In elementary schools
All elementary students will receive physical education according to State regulations, which specify that students in grades K-5 participate in PE for at least 120 minutes per week:
- Students in grades K-3 participate in PE on a daily basis.
- Students in grades 4-5 participate in PE no less than three times per week. For K-6, K-8, and K-12 schools, sixth graders conform to requirements for grades 4 and 5.
To assist elementary schools with meeting time and frequency requirements, and to make classrooms an active learning environment, the City offers training and support for Move-to-Improve, NYCPS’ classroom-based physical activity program. Move-to-Improve helps elementary school teachers provide daily physical activities that support New York State Physical Education (PE) Standards integrated with content-area learning standards. Elementary schools with a comprehensive PE program, led by a certified or designated PE teacher, may become a Move-to-Improve All-Star school by training at least 85% of their eligible teachers in the program and implementing Move-to-Improve as a regular part of the school day. All-Star schools are permitted to use up to 40 minutes per week and 5 days per week of Move-to-Improve activities during classroom instructional time to supplement their existing PE program and help meet the 120 minutes and frequency of required PE.
In middle schools
Middle school students must have PE every semester. The PE time requirement depends on the students’ grade level:
- Grade six students:
- In a K–6, K–8, or K–12 school: Follow the elementary requirements.
- In a 6–8 or 6–12 school: Must have PE for at least 90 minutes per week.
- Grade seven and eight students:
- In all schools: Must have PE for at least 90 minutes per week.
In high schools
All students in grades 9–12 must have PE in high school.
- Students must have PE for at least 180 minutes per week for 7 semesters, or 90 minutes per week for 8 semesters.
- All high school students must earn the equivalent of 4 credits in PE in order to graduate
The City’s physical education program promotes physical fitness through annual individualized assessments via NYC FITNESSGRAM, which is required for all eligible students in grades K-12 and uses criterion-based reporting for each student. Schools use NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments to help students identify the importance of healthy fitness zones, set goals, and create long- and short-term fitness plans. Parents and caregivers can access their student’s annual NYC FITNESSGRAM report on the NYC Schools Account. (See more on the NYC FITNESSGRAM web-based application here (requires NYCPS login) on the Wellness Hub (requires NYCPS login); see more on height and weight measurements in Chancellor’s Regulation A-701)
Physical Activity
School-aged children and adolescents should participate in 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day. Along with physical education, a substantial percentage of students’ physical activity can be provided through school activities, including classroom-based physical activity, recess, active transportation to school, and out-of-school time activities. NYCPS is committed to promoting and supporting these opportunities for students of all abilities. Schools will ensure that these activity opportunities are in addition to, and not as a substitute for, physical education (addressed in “Physical Education” subsection above).
NYCPS recognizes that students are more attentive and ready to learn when they have periodic breaks to be physically active or stretch. Accordingly, NYCPS also recommends that teachers provide short (3-5 minute) physical activity breaks to students during and between classroom time. Physical activity breaks should complement, not replace physical education class, recess, and/or class transition periods. Resources and ideas for implementing regular, physical activity breaks are available through USDA and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
Physical activity during the school day (including, but not limited to recess, physical activity breaks, or physical education) should not be used as punishment, or withheld as punishment for unrelated conduct (e.g., for classroom management purposes). (This does not include participation in out-of-school activities or school sports teams, which may have specific rules and requirements for participation.) However, schools are encouraged to model a physically active lifestyle by offering additional physical activity as school-wide incentives whenever possible, e.g., providing extra recess, taking walks around the school, or playing active games in classrooms or outside.
Recess (Elementary): NYCPS strongly recommends that all elementary schools offer at least 20 minutes of recess on all or most days during the school year. Recess is separate from the time students are scheduled to eat lunch, which should also be at least 20 minutes. Per State regulations, recess may not count toward physical education requirements, and should complement, not replace, physical education class. Developing a recess plan can help schools maximize recess time for children’s health and well-being. School staff should encourage students to be active, and they can be powerful role models by being physically active alongside the students whenever feasible. Because children benefit from vigorous exercise, they should be given the opportunity to play outside whenever possible. (See Outdoor Activity section below for more information). NYCPS recommends that in the event a school must conduct indoor recess, teachers and staff should develop and follow an indoor recess plan that promotes physical activity for students, to the extent practicable. Recess recommendations and resources are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and SHAPE America.
Before- and After-School Activities and Programs: NYCPS offers opportunities for students to participate in physical activity before and/or after the school day through a variety of programs, including: CHAMPS Sports and Fitness Programs (elementary and middle school), Public School Athletic League (PSAL) programs (high school), School Wellness Council grant-funded activities, and partnerships with NYCPS affiliated programs. Coaching staff are required to comply with specific requirements, including and not limited to Automated External Defibrillator (AED)/ Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification, First Aid training, and biannual training on concussion management. Learn more in the Support Center on the Wellness Hub (requires NYCPS login).
Active Transportation: A majority of NYC public school students walk or take public transportation to school. Schools can play an important role in promoting active transportation through various programs (e.g., Safe Routes to School, walking school buses, Open Streets) for all K-12 students who live within walkable/bikeable distance.
Active Design: NYCPS encourages schools to create environments that promote physical activity for the health and well-being of students, staff, and the community. NYCPS recommends two resources to guide schools:
- The Active Design Toolkit for Schools was developed by the Partnership for a Healthier New York City in collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, NYCPS, and the New York City Department of Transportation. It provides details and strategies for and examples of incorporating active recreation, beautification, healthy foods and beverage choices, and active transportation into school environments.
- The Active Design Playbook for Early Childhood Settings was developed by the Healthy Living by Design Unit at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene with input from a range of partners and with support from the Partnership to Improve Community Health cooperative agreement funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It provides strategies and ideas for how to incorporate active play and time in nature to support learning in NYC’s early childhood centers.
Outdoor Activity
Outdoor learning supports student learning, and research points to the health, developmental, and educational benefits of time spent outside. Schools can consider increasing outdoor space capacity for classes and wellness-related activities to help develop socialization skills, enhance communities, and promote physical and mental health. Information on the school application process for requesting additional outdoor learning space, such as street space and local parks, can be found on the Outdoor Learning Initiative page.
Any outdoor activities, and especially physical activities, should adhere to the following weather safety and air quality monitoring considerations:
- Cold Weather: Unless it is snowing, there is ice on the playground, or the wind-chill factor is below zero degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius), low temperatures should not be a barrier to outside play, as long as children are appropriately dressed. Check out the Guidelines for Playing Outdoors. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene strongly encourages principals to maintain outdoor play periods on the vast majority of winter days.
- Warm weather: When the outdoor temperature is above 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius), children are at increased risk for heat-related illness and may have lower tolerance for exercise. Children can also experience illness and lower tolerance for exercise when humidity is high–even if the temperature is below 95 degrees–or there is a heat index at or above 90 degrees. When outdoor temperatures are in the 90s and humidity is high, schools should:
- Limit children's outdoor recess and playtime between the sun's peak hours (10:00 a.m. to at least 2:00 p.m.);
- Reduce the intensity of outdoor activities lasting more than 15 minutes;
- Make sure students have easy access to water and encourage them to drink often;
- Pay special attention to students who may be more susceptible to heat related illness, like those with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes.
- Schools should encourage parents and caregivers to have students wear clothing that is light-colored and lightweight. Review the New York City Department of Health's Extreme Heat and Your Health website for more information on how to prevent heat illness, indoors and outdoors, during extreme heat days.
- Air Quality: When planning outdoor activity, follow air quality NYCPS recommendations provided by Central.
Comprehensive Health Education
Health education plays a critical role in promoting student wellness by helping students develop the knowledge and skills they need to care for their minds, bodies, and relationships with others. Health education provides young people with the opportunity to develop essential competencies, such as goal setting, self-advocacy, communication, decision-making, analyzing influences, accessing resources, and self-management, that will help them succeed in school and in life.
NYCPS must provide students with health education in accordance with New York State Education Law Section 804 and New York State Education Commissioner's Regulations, Part 135.3. The NYCPS Academic Policy Guides provide an overview of these requirements and NYCPS recommendations.
NYCPS require standards-based comprehensive health education in elementary, middle, and high school that is medically accurate, age- and developmentally appropriate, culturally inclusive, and provided in a safe and supportive learning environment where all students feel valued. Part 135.3 regulations specify that health education “include the several dimensions of health, including mental health and the relation of physical and mental health, and shall be designed to enhance student understanding, attitudes, and behaviors that promote health, well-being, and human dignity.”
Health education curricula should align with National Health Education Standards and National Sex Education Standards (available in English and Spanish), and must be evaluated and revised periodically to fulfill State and local health education requirements. To assist schools with providing health education, the Office of School Wellness Programs provides a K-12 Health Education Scope and Sequence to help schools provide sequential, skills-based and age-appropriate health education in Grades K-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. NYCPS provides standards-aligned, research-based, recommended curricula for the elementary, middle, and high school levels. All curricula recommended and/or offered by the Office of School Wellness Programs are periodically evaluated and revised, and incorporate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum. The Office of School Wellness Programs provides free health education professional learning for teachers Citywide throughout the school year.
Health Education Topics
NYCPS’ skills-based approach to teaching comprehensive health education addresses a variety of topics, such as the misuse of alcohol, tobacco/vapes, cannabis, and other drugs; nutrition and healthy eating; mental and emotional health; personal health and wellness; physical activity; safety and injury prevention; and violence prevention. At the secondary level, health education must include sexual health education that is LGBTQ+ inclusive.
In accordance with New York State law, regulations, and guidance, NYCPS health education includes:
- Mental health instruction for grades K-12
- Child sexual abuse and exploitation prevention lessons for grades K-8
- Heroin and opioid content included within Health Education drug and alcohol curricula
- HIV prevention lessons for grades K-12 (see next section)
All students K-12 receive lessons annually from Growing up and Staying Safe, New York City K-12 HIV Education Curriculum, on the nature, methods of transmission, and methods of prevention of HIV and AIDS. Parents and caregivers may opt their child out of lessons concerning the methods of prevention of HIV. Additional information about parent notification and opt-out policies for certain HIV lessons and certain sexual health education lessons is available on the NYCPS website. Under New York State regulations requiring HIV prevention education lessons for all students, secondary students also are provided access to additional information, referrals, and for high school students, prevention services (see Health Services section.)
Whenever possible, health and nutrition promotion events and School Wellness Council activities within and around the school—such as mental health awareness and suicide prevention activities; anti-bullying efforts; garden events and food tastings; family health fairs; alcohol, tobacco, and drug misuse prevention campaigns; and youth empowerment and restorative justice efforts —should be coordinated with comprehensive health education lessons to ensure students have every opportunity to practice health-related skills and hear consistent health messages throughout the school day.
School-Level Requirements
In elementary schools
- Students must receive health education every year, preferably a minimum of one class period per week (typically 45 minutes)
- Every student in grades K-6 should receive five lessons from the NYCPS HIV education curriculum every year
- Classroom teachers provide health education
In middle schools
- Students must receive the equivalent of one 54-hour comprehensive health education course
- NYCPS requires that sexual health education be included in the comprehensive health education course, and strongly recommends providing health education in grade 6 or 7
- Parents and caregivers may opt their child out of certain sexual health lessons having to do with methods of prevention
- Every student must receive annual lessons from the NYCPS HIV education curriculum; five lessons are required annually for grade 6 and six lessons are required annually for grades 7 and 8
- Health education is taught by certified health education teachers.
In high schools
- Students must receive the equivalent of one 54-hour, one-credit health education course
- One credit of health education is a graduation requirement
- NYCPS requires that sexual health education be included in the comprehensive health education course, and strongly recommends providing health education in grade 9 or 10
- Parents and caregivers may opt their child out of certain sexual health lessons having to do with methods of prevention
- Condom demonstrations are permitted in high school health education classes
- Every student in grades 9-12 must receive six lessons from the NYCPS HIV education curriculum every year
- Health education is taught by certified health education teachers.
Health Services
When children are healthy, they are more likely to learn and to be successfully engaged in school. In-school health services play a vital role in removing health obstacles to learning by ensuring access and/or referral to primary health care services, providing integrated mental health services, managing chronic disease conditions, providing emergency care for illness or injury, identifying communicable diseases, and enacting practices and systems to ensure that all students have access to key, developmentally appropriate resources and services during school hours.
NYCPS provides a range of health services to support student well-being and academic success, including:
- On-site school nurses, physicians, and health educators
- School-Based Health Centers
- Connecting Adolescents to Comprehensive Health Care (CATCH) Programs
- Mental health programs, vision screening, dental screening, and reproductive health services
- Free menstrual products and information, grades 4-12
See Office of School Health related services here and menstrual product and information services here.
NYCPS strongly encourages all schools to promote available health services and to strengthen links between instructional areas, especially between health education and health services, to help students access health resources and put learning into action. School nurses, School-Based Health Center staff, and other health staff are important members of the school community to include in School Wellness Councils.
Health Resource Rooms and High School Condom Availability Program (CAP)
- As part of all schools teaching HIV/AIDS education in alignment with NYS Commissioner’s Regulation Part 135.3, secondary schools provide Health Resource Rooms, where trained and trusted staff make health information, resources, and referrals available to students. High schools’ Health Resource Rooms must make condoms available to students in grades 9-12.
- The Office of School Wellness Programs provides free training and program materials to Health Resource Room staff, including free condoms for high schools. Parents and caregivers may opt-out their high school student from receiving condoms; however, all students have the right to access health information and referrals from the Health Resource Room.
- Even if a high school has a School-Based Health Center or CATCH program, it must still operate a Condom Availability Program, which must:
- Have at least two trained NYCPS staff. Additional NYCPS and non-NYCPS staff who work at the school can also be trained to support the program
- Be available for at least ten periods a week for the duration of the school year
- Clearly advertise Health Resource Room time(s) and location(s) for all students via a student letter and posters
- Provide notification letters with opt-out instructions to parents and caregivers of all new students upon enrollment
- Maintain a confidential list of all students who have been opted out of receiving condoms, and make that list available to all CAP staff (students on the opt-out list must be identified by ID numbers only; names cannot be used)
- Provide referrals to school-based and community-based health services, as needed
- Strive to make the Health Resource Room a safe, supportive and inclusive place for all students
- Maintain student confidentiality
School Food Nutrition Services, Promotion and Education
Good nutrition is paramount for a great education. When students have a healthy diet, it enhances their attention and understanding during class time. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services offers nutritious, complete meals daily that provide students with the fuel their brains need to excel in school.
Office of Food and Nutrition Services ensures annual training for food and nutrition services staff in accordance with USDA Professional Standards. Meals served by the Office of Food and Nutrition Services through the School Breakfast Program (SBP), National School Lunch Program (NSLP), After-School Snack, and Supper programs adhere to the following requirements:
- Meet local, State, and federal requirements for reimbursement
- Restrict the fat content of meals as follows:
- Total fat will be limited to 35 percent of the total calories over the course of the week
- Saturated fat will be limited to less than 10 percent of the total calories over the course of the week
- Provide limited and targeted amounts of sodium
- Reduce added sugar in products and menus. Added sugars will be limited to less than 10 percent total calories over the course of the week
- Offer and promote the inclusion of plant-based entrees
- Offer and promote the consumption of fresh fruit and a variety of vegetables daily
- Incorporate seasonal and locally produced foods into menus
- Provide free drinking water during meals including from refrigerated water jets where meals are served
- Offer three varieties of milk:
- Low-fat (1%)
- Fat-free
- Fat-free chocolate milk
- Exception: Some special populations may receive whole milk
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services will continue to prohibit ingredients that are potentially harmful to child development in the products served on our menus. Monthly menus will be posted where meals are served and on the NYCPS website. Schools should promote the healthy food and beverages provided in school meals in various ways (e.g., announcements, newsletters, community and council meetings, food and nutrition education lessons). Schools should also ensure free drinking water is available to students throughout the school day. Promoting the healthy food and beverages available will allow students and families to learn about the benefits and value of healthy choices.
The Menu Nutrition Information page includes the nutritional content of daily menu items. Also, a mobile phone application with menu information and food review options is available for download on the NYCPS website.
New foods and menu items are evaluated to identify healthful and appealing choices through the following methods:
- The staff from the Office of Food and Nutrition Services and NYC Public School students evaluate new menu items in the Office of Food and Nutrition Services test kitchen and in schools
- Staff reviews student preferences based on menu metric data, surveys, and school partnership meetings
- Staff samples items in selected schools and obtains feedback from students before marketing the product more widely
To meet students' nutritional needs and to stress the benefits of a healthy breakfast, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services encourages students to participate in the School Breakfast program.
- Breakfast is offered at no charge to all NYC public school students
Breakfast in the Classroom and Grab and Go Breakfast will continue to be offered as a service model to all NYC elementary schools to provide students with a healthy meal to begin the school day
“Competitive Foods” refers to foods and beverages sold to students through vending machines, a la carte snacks, school stores, school fundraisers, and school-based kitchens. Food and beverages in these settings are governed by the Chancellor’s Regulation on Competitive Foods (CR A-812).
Only foods and beverages that meet the NYCPS Office of Food and Nutrition Services guidelines may be offered for sale during school hours. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services list is consistent with federal and New York State law requirements, including but not limited to USDA Smart Snack standards.
Schools should make every effort to prohibit the marketing of competitive food and beverages: on school property and equipment (e.g., signs, scoreboards, sports equipment); on educational materials (e.g., curricula, textbooks, or other printed or electronic educational materials); in school publications and media (e.g., advertisements in school publications, school radio stations, in-school television, computer screen savers, school-sponsored Internet sites, and announcements on the public announcement (PA) system. (Also see below in Food Education and Promotion for important ways to improve the food environment.)
Information on Office of Food and Nutrition Services-approved snack products, ingredients, portion sizes, and other information is available on the NYCPS Menu Nutrition Information webpage.
Table II. Beverage Standards for Areas Accessible to School Children
Machine Locations | Permitted Products | Calorie Limit | Serving Size Limit |
Elementary Schools (serving grades K-5, K-8, and K-12) and Middle Schools (serving grades 6-9 and 6-12) | Plain Water with or without carbonation unsweetened and unflavored | N/A | No size limit |
Unsweetened 1% and nonfat milk | N/A | 8 fl. oz | |
Unsweetened milk substitutes that contain ≤9 grams sugar | N/A | 8 fl. oz | |
100% fruit or vegetable juice with no added sweeteners | N/A | 8 fl. oz | |
Diluted Juice with water (with or without carbonation) (without added sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors) | ≤10 calories | 8 oz. | |
High Schools (serving grades 9-12) | Water with or without carbonation unsweetened and unflavored | N/A | No size limit |
Unsweetened 1% and nonfat milk | N/A | 12 fl. Oz | |
Unsweetened milk substitutes that contain ≤9 grams sugar | N/A | 8 fl. Oz | |
100% fruit or vegetable juice with no added sweeteners | N/A | 12 fl. Oz | |
Low Calorie Beverages (without added sweeteners, artificial colors or flavors) | ≤24 calories | 8 fl. Oz |
- Not permitted: beverages with caffeine, or low-or-no calorie sweeteners, or artificial colors or flavors, or added sugars
- Calorie information must be posted for each beverage, as packaged
- Advertisements of high-calorie beverages on vending machines prohibited
Beverage Standards for Areas Not Accessible to School Children (e.g., Teacher Lounges and Administrative Offices)
Beverage vending machines in administrative offices and teacher-accessible areas (e.g., teachers’ lounge and other spaces to which students do not have access) shall comply with the Citywide standards for beverage vending machines for adults, which may be updated from time to time by the City at its sole discretion.
Snack Standards for Areas Accessible to School Children
Guidelines for the Sale of Food and Snack Items: Office of Food and Nutrition Services' goal is to encourage students to develop healthy eating habits by reducing or eliminating the total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium content of snack items. Snack vending machines may not be used in any schools serving grade levels pre-kindergarten (“PK”) through five (5). They can be used in middle and high schools (see standards below).
Many popular snack items have been reformulated to meet enhanced nutritional standards. The Chancellor’s Regulation on Competitive Foods (CR A-812) provides rules for the sale of food and snack items.
Student fundraising sales of approved items will be allowed throughout the school day outside of where meals are served (Chancellor’s Regulation A-812, Section I, Paragraph-G).
Snacks in Student- and Teacher-Accessible Machines (Middle and High School Only)
- All products must be in single-serve packages
- Products may not contain any artificial or non-nutritive sweeteners, artificial flavors or colors.
- Products to contain no more than 200 calories per serving
- Snacks containing only nuts, nut butter or seeds may contain no more than 250 calories per serving.
- Products to contain no more than 200 mg. of sodium
- Products to contain less than 10% of total calories from saturated fat
- Products to contain no more than 35% of total calories from fat (nuts, and nut butters are exempt)
- Combination products of dried fruit and nuts are exempt from the total fat standards
- Products to contain no trans fat or partially hydrogenated oils.
- Products to contain no more than 10 % of total calories from added sugars
- Grain-based products must contain at least 2 grams of fiber per serving
- All fresh fruits and vegetables are acceptable.
- Yogurt must contain no more than 7grams sugar per 4 oz.
Approved Items: Only approved foods may be offered for sale to students through vending machines, school stores, and/or school fundraising activities during non-meal hours from the beginning of the school day through 6:00 p.m., weekdays, with one exception that is limited to PA/PTA fundraising (Chancellor’s Regulation A-812, Section I, Paragraph-H).
Prohibited Items: The following items may not be offered for sale to students through vending machines, school stores, student fundraising, and/or other school fundraising activities from the beginning of the school day through 6:00 p.m., weekdays:
- Chewing gum
- Candy (including hard candy, jellies, gums, marshmallow candy, fondant, licorice, spun candy, and candy-coated popcorn)
- Water ices which do not contain fruit or fruit juices
- Artificial sweeteners
A list of snacks that meet NYCPS criteria is available on the NYCPS website. See Chancellor’s Regulation A-812 for further information.
New items can be proposed for inclusion on the approved snack list by contacting:
Office of Food and Nutrition Services, Food Support Contract Management Unit, NYCPS
Attn: Gloria Sullivan 44-36 Vernon Blvd – 4th Floor, L.I.C., NYC 11101
Telephone: (718) 707-3794
Food and Nutrition Education and Promotion
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services works within all NYC public schools to develop and maintain effective partnerships with other Central City agencies and members of the school community, and helps school communities develop a broader understanding of healthy food environments and systems (e.g., health and sustainability benefits of plant powered menus, plastic-free lunch options).
Nutrition Promotion
Food and Nutrition Services encourages principals to invite students and families to work together to foster communication between the Office of Food and Nutrition Services and the school community. When considering ways to promote nutrition and improve the food environment, schools should not use food as an incentive or reward, and use non-food celebrations and healthy fundraisers to the extent possible. School Wellness Councils, nutrition collaboratives, and similar groups and committees can work with Food and Nutrition Services to promote and monitor nutrition, food environment, and food consumption and waste reduction policies and programs in their respective schools. These groups can serve as a resource to the school administration in implementing policies.
Food Education
Working in tandem with promoting nutritious meals in schools and providing nutrition lessons as part of comprehensive health education, schools are encouraged to incorporate food education, which teaches students about the larger food system itself — farming practices and agriculture, the production , processing, distribution, retail, consumption, and post-consumption of food — and how each component interacts with the environment, economy, community, public health and more.
In New York City, food education is defined as any combination of educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to motivate and facilitate voluntary adoption of food choices and other food and nutrition-related behaviors that are conducive to the health and well-being of individuals, community, and the planet. While nutrition education is often viewed as limited to food choices for personal health, food education includes not only nutrition but also the role that food plays in one’s life, relationships, culture, communities, environment, history, and society. It can be integrated into learning and experiences throughout the school day, including across subject matters and in places where food is served, including through School Wellness Council activities, nutrition collaboratives, and other school events. It can include hands-on food preparation, school-wide assemblies, classroom-based learning, field trips to farmers markets or botanical gardens, school garden-based lessons, and more.
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services offers schools opportunities to apply for food education grants, engage in professional learning, collaborate with food education partners, and develop ways to better integrate food education into various curricula and activities.
Sustainability and Other Activities that Promote Student Wellness
NYCPS encourages and supports schools in integrating wellness activities across the entire school setting, not just in classrooms, or the places where food is served or grown, or where students are physically active. NYCPS will seek to identify and share opportunities for other initiatives related to physical and health education, physical activity, food and nutrition, health services, and other wellness components so that efforts are complementary, not duplicative.
Community Partnerships
NYCPS continues to develop relationships with community partners and stakeholders in support of policy implementation. Existing and new community partnerships and sponsorships will be evaluated to ensure that they are consistent with wellness policy efforts.
Community Health Promotion and Engagement
NYCPS continues to work with schools to support their efforts in promoting to parents/caregivers, families, and the general community, the benefits of and approaches for healthy eating and physical activity throughout the school year. School-sponsored and district-level activities can help engage families in understanding the importance of the connections among Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy components. See Section III. Operationalizing Empowering Strong and Healthy Students: The NYCPS School Wellness Policy: Community Involvement, Outreach, and Communications for more information on how to receive updates on the wellness policy and to learn about wellness-related programs and practices.
Community Priorities Related to Climate Action, Sustainability and Wellness
NYCPS is committed to sustainability and climate action as a Citywide priority and acknowledges how related efforts can contribute to wellness and resiliency in and around our school buildings and communities. Empowering students to care for their minds, their bodies, and their relationships with others includes an awareness of natural and built environments. Interest in climate and sustainability, as well as how a changing world impacts food systems, community health, access to space, and other issues has increased significantly in schools. Policies, programs and practices in each of these areas can be aligned to share common goals for the benefit of students and their communities (e.g., Plastic Free Lunch Day, Climate Action Days, Plant-Powered Friday, food share tables and food donations, gardens and composting).
Schools are encouraged to consider how they can empower students with a sense of efficacy and agency through engaging with wellness policies and sustainability policies that complement and enhance one another. For instance, schools embracing practices that teach a broader understanding of food and food systems can lead to student-driven efforts that collectively improve health, beautify neighborhoods, reduce waste (e.g., food and packaging), promote community food donations, reduce energy use, prioritize access to nature and outdoor learning, increase quality of life, and promote environmental citizenship.
NYCPS recognizes the important role schools play in preparing students with health-promoting skills to be able to navigate changing environmental conditions that may impact how we eat, play, work, travel, move, and breathe. As NYCPS progresses with decarbonization, energy efficiency and other climate resiliency initiatives, it will continue to develop opportunities for schools to provide programs that build leadership, knowledge, understanding and a sense of community so that students make these important connections in order to contribute to both personal and collective health and wellness.
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