Substitute Paraprofessional General Renewal Requirements for 2024-2025

  1. Provide a minimum total of 20 full days of Substitute Paraprofessional service during the 2023-2024 school year.
  2. File an online renewal request. Instructions on completing this can be found below. 
  3. Provide, by August 21, 2024, proof of passing the New York State Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills (ATAS) test OR proof of registration for an ATAS test date after June 30, 2024, but prior to December 31, 2024.
  4. Complete the NY State required Autism Workshop.

    NOTE: The following items (#5 through #9) are onboarding requirements/former Renewal Requirements. Therefore, Substitute Paraprofessionals should have completed these items prior to the opening of renewal for the 2024-2025 school year. Substitutes will be able to view their individualized renewal requirement completion status within the Substitute Renewal Request website in June 2024. Those who have not completed these items must submit proof of completion prior to August 21, 2024.

  5. Complete the NY State required Child Abuse Identification workshop.
  6. Complete the NY State required School Violence Prevention workshop.
  7. Complete the NY State required Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) workshop.
  8. Complete the online Paraprofessional training program offered by the Teacher’s Support Network (TSN)
  9. Create a Profile with the NYSED Office of Teaching Initiative's TEACH system.



To upload proof of completing application requirements, please login to your Candidate Portal using your existing username and password. On the left side of the main portal page, navigate to the section called “Document Center”. Select “Add/Edit Document” and choose the document you would like to upload from your computer.

Substitutes do not have to submit proof of filing the online renewal request or the number of days worked. Prior to renewal, the NYCDOE will obtain this information along with employment eligibility status information from the appropriate computer systems. Renewal of service is contingent on the substitutes meeting all the listed requirements, their being in good standing (as determined by the Office of Personnel Investigations), and their not being full-time employees of the NYCDOE.

Failure to meet all the requirements by August 21, 2024, will result in termination from the position.

Instructions: Online Request to Renew Substitute Service

As one of the requirements to continue serving as a Substitute in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, you are required to file an online request for renewal of substitute service.  This request must be made no later than August 21, 2024, by visiting the Renewal Request Website

Once you have accessed this website, you will be required to log-in using the following information:

  • User ID: Enter your 7-digit EIS # or File # (If less than 7 digits, insert a leading zero) 
  • Password:  Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number

When you have logged in and entered the NYCAPS DOE Self Service Portal home page, click on the 'Substitute Renewal Request' link, and follow the on-screen instructions. At the Substitute Renewal Request website, you will be able to view your individualized renewal requirement completion status and file an online renewal request, which will provide you Reasonable Assurance for the 2024-2025 school year.  You are only required to complete those requirements with a status marked as "NOT COMPLETE" (i.e., those with status "COMPLETE" or "NOT REQUIRED" do not need your attention).

The deadline for completing all renewal requirements is August 21, 2024.  If you do not complete all the renewal requirements, you will be terminated from the position and will not be eligible to serve as a substitute during the 2024-2025 school year.

If you are unable to log-in, please contact HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.




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