Arts for Multilingual Learners and Students with Disabilities
Application Deadline: 11:59pm on June 24, 2024
This program advances equitable access to inclusive arts education by funding arts partnerships between eligible schools and experienced, local arts organizations. Grantees receive up to $15,000 for a multi-week arts residency which takes place during the school day and specifically developed for the unique needs of the targeted population. This grant program also aims to promote collaboration between classroom professionals and experienced teaching artists; and cultivate more school-based inclusive teaching practices for arts instruction. To learn more about the ARTS for MLL and SWD grant program, read the Request for Proposals. To apply, visit our application portal.

Arts for Early Learners
Application Deadline: 11:59pm on June 24, 2024
Inspired by the Arts and Family Engagement Grant, this grant program focuses on arts learning opportunities for early learners (3K, Pre-K and Kindergarten). Grantees receive up to $10,000 to partner with experienced, local arts organizations to implement school-based arts experiences that bring together students, parents, family, and other members of the school community. This grant program also aims to create family connections to arts programs offered at school, while giving school leaders the latitude to launch new ideas and innovate arts projects for early grade levels. To learn more about the Arts for Early Learners program, read the Request for Proposals. To apply, visit our application portal.
Grant applications open Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
The deadline to apply for both grants is 11:59PM by Monday, June 24, 2024.
For questions about any of our grants, please contact Audrey St. Clair, Director of Arts Partnerships, at AStClair3@schools.nyc.gov.