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  1. 28518_Exploring Plants FINAL 092118_French

    T&I-28518 (French) Découverte des plantes : Des ressources destinées aux parents sur les services associés de pré-school Chers parents d'élève, Merci de prendre le temps d’explorer ces Ressources destinées aux parents su...

  2. Advancing Equity Overview Deck (March 2019).FINAL

    ... forms throughout the system. This means investing in historically underserved communities (with resources, time, attention, and direction). This also means thinking through investments we have historically always made...

  3. Responsibilities of the Test Administrator English

    New York City Gifted Talented Assessment Program (GTAP) 2018-2019 G&T Test Administrator Training Responsibilities of the Test Administrator Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affi liate(s). All rights reser...

  4. PS 90 _PE Stories Of Change_FINAL

    STORIES OF CHANGE SPRING 2018 PE Works is Mayor Bill de Blasio’s unprecedented multiyear investment to revitalize physical education (PE) for every student in NYC public schools. Prior to 2015, the quantity and quality o...

  5. FY18 Arts FamEngagement AwardList

    Page 1 2017-18 Award List For the 2017-18 school year, 97 schools across the five boroughs will receive Arts+Family Engagement grants totaling $282,562 to enhance schools’ existing arts partnerships by creating more oppo...

  6. 2017_FamilyGuideHS

    ... forms effective partnerships with families and outside organizations to improve the school. • Trust: Relationships between administrators, educators, students, and families are based on trust and respect. • Student Ac...

  7. 218S-N NAE Notice w FAQ 2018-Haitian Creole

    218S-N NAE Notice | Rev. May 2018 T&I-28008 (Haitian Creole) NOUVO RANDEVOU EKZAMEN MEDIKAL POU ADMISYON Non timoun lan: DAT NESANS: Lekòl: Klas/Salklas: Dat: Chè Paran/Responsab, Bòn sante enpòtan pou aprantisaj. Biwo s...

  8. PE_Works_Stories_of_Change_PS_90_The_Magnet_School_Text_Only[1]

    PE Works Stories of ChangeSpring 2018PE Works is Mayor Bill de Blasio’s unprecedented multiyear investment to revitalize physical education (PE) for every student in NYC public schools. Prior to 2015, the quantity and qu...

  9. 032220_Family Letter_Remote Learning

    Re: The Launch of Remote Learning March 22, 2020 Dear Families, Tomorrow, we will all come together to take the first steps of a huge new educational journey as New York City brings remote learning to our 1.1 million stu...

  10. hiv-proven-prevention-methods-508

    CDC FACT SHEET Proven HIV Prevention Methods We have more tools to effectively prevent HIV than ever before. Since no single strategy provides complete protection or is right for all people, a combination of methods is n...

  11. Students with Disabilities and the Gifted and Talented Program English

    Students with Disabilities in the Gifted Talented Program Guidance for Families Last Updated July 2017 Page 1 of 3 1. What is the Gifted Talented (G&T) Program? The Gifted Talented (G&T) program is one way that the NYCDO...

  12. HepBGeneralFactSheet

    ... forms of hepatitis, Hepatitis B is also not spread by contaminated food or water. What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B? Many people with Hepatitis B do not have symptoms and do not know they are infected. If symptoms ...

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